Horse and pony care – we offer years of expertise

Keeping your equine friends safe and secure

Post and rail fencing with rabbit wire to keep wildlife out

Post and rail fencing with rabbit wire to keep wildlife out


While we work across a raft of agricultural and domestic projetcs, Dodd & Co started out largely in the equine world of stables, yards and fencing. We went back to our roots recently with a project which we featured recently on our Facebook page – a schooling yard in West Norfolk.

This was a bespoke build for someone who has a clear business development plan and there were very specific needs. And that is what we think sets us apart in the world of fencing and construction – our desire to work with each project owner to make sure that we are meeting every requirement in the most logical, cost-effective way.

If you are considering buying a horse or pony or increasing the number of animals you own, then here are some basic guideline for shelter and security.  

A pony or horse’s health and safety depends upon the fencing and shelter you provide. Your animal should have access to warmth or shade depending upon the season and your fencing should be robust enough to keep the animals in and unwanted intruders out.

There are several fencing options that can be suited to needs and budget. The most aesthetically pleasing and effective is post and rail fencing. This involves upright timber posts with horizontal rails. It is good to look at and very robust. The downside is that it is the most costly fencing option and the rails need to be examined regularly to make sure they haven’t split or warped. 

Horse wire fencing is a second option. The wire should have small gaps so the horses don’t get their hooves caught, which leads to potential accident situations. The fencing is topped with ‘hot’ or electrical wire to stop the horses leaning over and damaging the fencing. This fencing style also has the benefit of keeping foxes and badgers out.

There is also the option of electric tape or vinyl fencing. 

On no account should barbed wire be used for horse fencing as it will easily rip the horses’ coat and flesh. If you are even considering barbed wire, weigh up the potential vet’s bills against the savings made on the cost of fencing. 

While pasture management is not part of our service, we can offer advice in this area and we do offer a clearing service if you need a field cleared of hedging and old fencing. 

Good practice in pasture management is to start with a soil test. This will determine the current soil conditions and will help you decide which fertiliser and/or grass seed to use. Which grass seed you choose should also be determined by climatic conditions.   

Your pasture should be checked regularly for noxious and toxic weeds such as ragwort, which can be fatal for horses and ponies. Most horses with adequate forage will avoid eating these, but if the area has poor grass coverage, or you do not provide enough hay, they will eat the weeds and it can become a serious health issue.

If your horse is going to be turned out during the day, you’ll need to provide him with shade. If you have a pasture trees are one way to accomplish this. Be careful, though, as too much shade will depress grass growth. 

We specialise in bespoke animal housing

We specialise in bespoke animal housing

We specialise in bespoke buildings for horses and ponies and within our portfolio of projects we have designed and built stables that range from a  simple run-in to a fully-equipped stables, tack room and feed store. 

Owning a horse or pony is a hugely rewarding experience – we are on hand to make sure it is also a cost-effective and successful venture.