Beaver fencing at Wild Ken Hill

Containing the escape artists

There are beavers back in Norfolk after a 400 year absence and Dodd & Co were an integral part of the project as the fencing and construction company turned its hand to ensuring that nature’s escape artists had a secure home in which to do their water-management magic.

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Wild Ken Hill is an exciting project which seeks to return 1,500 acres of Norfolk land back to nature. The unique project, which centres around the marsh and grasslands between Snettisham and Heacham, aims to drastically change the way the land is used, returning it to the natural landscape that would exist if man didn’t intervene.

As the team at Ken Hill explain: “Rather than following the harsh agricultural and forestry techniques that have contributed to record emissions and species loss, we want to show that land can be used to fight climate change, to manage air and water quality, and as a space for nature and people. In the process, we hope to demonstrate the power of a 'rewilding' approach, both as a tool for environmental good, but also as a way for farmers to reinvigorate their businesses.”

One thing that makes Ken Hill so perfect for a rewinding project of this nature is, ironically, the poor quality of the land. A sandy top soil dries very easily and blows away in the sharp coastal winds, the heathland takes an enormous amount of artificial care in the form of sprays and fertilisers, before it can carry commercial crops. It just makes sense to hand it back to nature.

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By allowing the soils to recover and the natural vegetation to grow, the land at Ken Hill will  improve its biodiversity and allow processes such as carbon capture to restore the relationship between the land and the climate. 

It is not only the native vegetation that is being encouraged at Ken Hill. The team are also introducing animal species that will benefit from this environment. Native cattle and pig breeds will all play their role in the natural cycle. And other wild species are also slowly being introduced.

And this is where Dodd & Co comes in.

In December 2019, Ken Hill learnt that they had been granted a licence to release fifteen beavers into an enclosure at Wild Ken Hill. This is the first time that beavers have existed in Norfolk for hundreds of years after they were hunted to extinction – the last beaver is recorded in England in the 17th century. By reinstating the beaver, Wild Ken Hill will be able to tap into the animal’s incredible water management skills. This will play a huge part in growing the biodiversity on the site. 

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Beavers build dams, channels and other structures that help the water on and off the land efficiently. To provide data and information for future projects, the team at Ken Hill are working with the University of East Anglia to monitor the biodiversity impact that the beavers will have on the land.

Dodd & Co were commissioned to build an enclosure that was some 55 acres in size. Among its features were a tall perimeter fence that also drops below the surface to prevent the beavers burrowing out. The team also fitted metal grills on all exit and entry points into the enclosure. 

In total, 2,000 metres of fencing was used to surround the enclosure. Two types of fencing were used: Tornado RL19/180/5 and Tornado RL6/50/5. This is specialist otter fencing taking into account the beavers ability to burrow, hence the fencing had to be 90 cm underground as well as reaching a height of 1.2m above ground. The top of the fence is cranked to prevent the beavers climbing over. 

Timber for the posts and supports was supplied by MW Nice Ltd of Bury St Edmunds. These included 7-8” three metre strainers and 3-4” two metre intermediate posts. The posts were set at 3.5 metre intervals.

Commenting on the work carried out by Dodd & Co, Wild Ken Hill’s project manager Dominic Buscall said: “Dodd & Co have done work on this unusual job. Beavers are known as canny escapists so it was important to get this bespoke fence done correctly and securely. We are grateful for their diligent work in this hugely important piece of conservation for Norfolk.”

Managing director Jamie Dodd added: “We have done a number of projects using otter fencing now and I can honestly say this was one of our best pieces of work. I am really pleased with the outcome.”

Cart-shed and cake at the Vicarage

The completed cart shed

The completed cart shed

It has been a very busy few months for Dodd&Co as our projects have taken us all over the county and have ranged tremendously in scale and purpose.

One recent project was a three-bay cart shed for a farming client in East Winch, West Norfolk. The cart shed needed to fit sympathetically with the architectural style of the house – an elegant former vicarage – the main body of which was built in the Victorian era. Working with the clients we decided on a wooden construction with reclaimed roof panels, giving an understated, rural yet stylish look and feel to the build.

Before beginning the construction work, we needed to clear the area of vegetation, flatten the surface and remove some trees with very substantial trunks. Then we were able to start the build, although the Covid-19 situation meant we had to ensure that social distancing measures were observed both between our workforce and the clients and among ourselves.

The skeleton frame is in place

The skeleton frame is in place

The cart shed itself needed to be designed so that vehicles had space to swing in via a relatively tight turn after driving through the main gates. We positioned the cart shed so family and visitors could drive into the garage with minimum manoeuvring. The building also had to accommodate 4x4 vehicles, so the bays needed to be spacious.

The total area of the cart shed was 6 x 10.8 metres, creating three parking bays. The supporting posts were durable oak posts, 150 x 150, and the roof was made from reclaimed corrugated iron roof sheets. The back and sides comprised 7 inch feather edge boards. The wood was provided by King’s Lynn company Timber Services Ltd. The whole building was then painted in black barn paint to enhance the look of a working, agricultural building.

Part of the scenery

Part of the scenery

We then landscaped around the card-shed to make everything tidy. The entire project took just three weeks, with the first week clearing the land and putting in the footings and the second and third week dedicated to the build itself.

The delighted client said: “Jamie and his men were excellent to have around the place. They were polite, endlessly cheerful and kept the site immaculate whilst they were working. They also ate my home-made cake without complaint – and baking is not my strong point!”

If you are considering a cart shed, studio, office, gym or any other outside living or working space, do get in contact with us. We will work with you from initial concept through to finishing touches, ensuring that your building is fit for purpose, built to your specifications and of the highest quality of craftsmanship.

Deer set to be main attraction

Perimeter fencing around the Wildlife Park

Perimeter fencing around the Wildlife Park

A mammoth project involving 7,000 metres of wire and approximately 1,800 posts is nearing completion.

The new Wildlife Park at Watlington, due to open in early 2020 has been a major build for Dodd and Co, involving months of preparation, design, collaboration and planning. The land we have been working on is an old quarry, with a mix of stony soils, woodland, wetlands, rough grazing and open pasture, with all the challenges that a range of surfaces can bring.

The hot dry summer made installing the posts difficult, while a wet winter and spring offered its own challenges when it came to moving heavy machinery. But, as always, where there is a challenge there is a solution and, with this particular project, the clients are innovators and forward thinkers, which always works well in this sort of collaboration.

A variety of machinery was brought into play, with one of the real stars of the show being the Solo Trak post-knocker. This hydraulic post driver is an incredible piece of kit, saving huge amounts of time as it drives posts into the ground with almost frightening efficiency.

The Solo Trak post knocker was a key player in this project

The Solo Trak post knocker was a key player in this project

A fallow deer stag contemplates life

A fallow deer stag contemplates life

Deer will be the main residents in the new Wildlife Park, with plans to install deer of all breeds as both a visitor attraction but also as part of specialised scientific research into the lives and breeding patterns of deer and antelope.

There will also be a wetland, creating a perfect habitat for a vast array of bird species and wildfowl, and a number of conservation projects taking place.

All of this, combined with its future role as a visitor attraction, has led to some demanding requirements.

Security is the number one priority. Both for keeping the animals in but also keeping other animals and human beings out. High, electric fences, 10 single or double galvanised steel gates and a state-of-the-art electric fence will all play their role.

Specialist grids and high quality gates keep wildlife secure

Specialist grids and high quality gates keep wildlife secure

Safety is also a key factor. Again, this is for the humans and the animals. Fencing will make sure that the animals remain safe and in the areas they are supposed to be, while signage and appropriate barriers will ensure the visiting humans and the on-site staff all remain safe at all times.

Cattle grids, with specialist fittings adapted for deer hooves, are placed strategically around the 180 acre site so vehicles can move freely from area to area, while the deer are kept in their rightful areas.

The whole area is divided into a parking lot and visitor area; a run into the wildlife park itself; two large pens and a catch area, for handling.

Tornado Wire and timber from MW Nice Timber make for top quality materials

Tornado Wire and timber from MW Nice Timber make for top quality materials

The technical detail

The 7,000 metre perimeter fence comprises RL23/240/5 with an angled turn in and skirt turned out.

The perimeter fence has 12 strands of electric wire.

The compound, entrance and catch area comprises T17/200/15.

Posts are spaced every five metres.

Strainer assembly

3.3 metres 6-8” creosote treated strainers.

3.6 metres 5-6” cross members.

A number of innovative additions are still to be made, including a raised walk-way, a ha-ha and a number of hides and cabins. A fleet of electric vehicles will service the visitor experience. It is hoped the entire Wildlife Park will be populated and operational in Spring 2020. Check back here for progress.

A visual update on our latest work - part 1

At Dodd&Co it has been a busy past 12 months, so here is a whistle-stop visual tour of some of the varied projects the team has been working on. To see more images, visit the Gallery page of our website. To discuss any construction or fencing requirements, call Jamie Dodd on 07766815830.

Predator fencing for PACT animal sanctuary. This fencing is designed to keep out wild animals such as otters

Predator fencing for PACT animal sanctuary. This fencing is designed to keep out wild animals such as otters

Goat bridge at Pact Animal Sanctuary

Goat bridge at Pact Animal Sanctuary

Block of dog kennels for a game-keeper’s dogs

Block of dog kennels for a game-keeper’s dogs

Horse fencing at Magdalene

Horse fencing at Magdalene

Industrial V-Mesh fencing

Industrial V-Mesh fencing

Stable block near Swaffham

Stable block near Swaffham

Stock fencing at Wormegay

Stock fencing at Wormegay

Bringing in the heavy mob! Stock fencing in wet conditions

Bringing in the heavy mob! Stock fencing in wet conditions

Panel fencing at a domestic property

Panel fencing at a domestic property

Deer enclosure at Wormegay

Deer enclosure at Wormegay

All of these projects can be seen on our Gallery page, where we have many more images of the varied work we have been doing around the county.

Fencing - what are my options?

Top strands of barbed wire with mesh netting to keep cattle in and rabbits and other wild animals out

Top strands of barbed wire with mesh netting to keep cattle in and rabbits and other wild animals out

When you buy a piece of land with the intention of keeping livestock in or wild animals, pet animals and/or other human beings out, then you will need to consider just how you are going to fence the land.

The type of fencing you decide on depends upon number of factors.

These can include the livestock you intend to keep, the terrain of your land, the required lifespan of the fence and the amount you can afford.

You will also need to consider installation costs. Will you do the work yourself? If so what materials and tools will you need? Will you bring in a contractor – if so, what level of workmanship are you looking for?

Here is a quick look at some of your options:

Barbed wire fence.

Barbed wire is a cost-effective way to fence a field if your primary aim is to keep livestock, such as cattle, sheep and goats in. The wire – three or four horizontal strands – are attached to upright posts, with straining posts set at regular distances to keep the tension high in the fence. The upright wooden posts are spaced about 12-16ft apart and the horizontal wire lines have 10-12 inch gaps between them.

The downside of barbed wire is that it can look aggressive, it is dangerous for humans as the barbs can do serious damage, and it is not suitable for horses and ponies as they can easily tear themselves on the barbs.

It is however, a great deterrent to cattle, who will tend to push against non-barbed wire. It is also easier to install and less expensive than many other options. The life expectancy of a well-constructed barbed-wire fence is 20 years, although posts may need replacing during that time.

High tensile non-electric wire

The smooth wire is loosely fastened to posts, which are positioned the same distance apart as those in a barbed wire system. The wire slides easily through the fastener and is tightened at the corner posts. The wire can be easily pretensioned and should be checked and tightened regularly. This type of wiring isn’t really appropriate for any animals except horse and ponies and even with these animals injuries can occur. Both cows and sheep will push through.

Hot wire or electric wire

Adding a hot wire to an existing paddock fence will act as a deterrent to animals from reaching over a fence, biting a fence or trying to escape. Whether your permanent fence is barbed wire, sheep wire or high tensile, non-electric wire, by adding an electric wire to travel along the top of the fence gives another level of security.

Standalone electric fencing

While temporary electric fencing is effective in marking off areas for strip grazing or keeping animals to one specific area of a paddock, it is not something that can really be sued as a long-term fencing option. Yes, the animals will respect the wire but if they are chased or there is a short in the system, they will soon learn that they can push through it. Electric fences are also easily shorted - if they touch a bush or tall grasses. And as many farmers discovered in the long dry spell during April to August in 2018, a lack of moisture in the soil can lead to a loss of charge.

Post and rail

Using a wooden top rail is a safer option for horses and humans as shown at this equine construction.

Using a wooden top rail is a safer option for horses and humans as shown at this equine construction.

For horses in particular, a post and rail system is the best choice, albeit a little more pricey than some of the other options. Typically constructed of three or four evenly spaced two-by-six-inch wood planks or four-inch round rails screwed or nailed between wood posts, wood fencing is attractive, highly visible, and safe provided it is properly installed and maintained.

With its attractiveness and strength, wood makes good perimeter fencing near roadways and highly trafficked areas; however, ensure boards are nailed to the inside of the fence posts so that horses cannot pop them off by leaning on them. Also remember that boards thinner than two inches, such as one by six planks, while less expensive, are weaker and more likely to break and warp over time.

Water-based paint and black asphalt or coal tar based paints are commonly used to protect wood fencing.

Initial construction pricing is midrange, but maintenance costs can be high if you have animals directly on the fencing or in smaller paddock areas. Horses often chew and rub on wood fencing, damaging the fence. Boards damaged by weather, horses, or other means will need to be replaced.

These are just a few of the many fencing options available. With new materials always appearing on the market, it is worth talking to an expert who can give you advice on the best fencing spouting to match your requirements and budget.

Call Jamie on 07766 815830 for further information about the services offered by Dodd & Co.

A fencing system that will keep livestock in and badgers out

A fencing system that will keep livestock in and badgers out

The beauty of Douglas Fir


Much of our fencing and construction work uses Douglas Fir, which we believe is the finest softwood grown in the UK.

The Douglas Fir is a magnificent tree when standing and a superb timber once felled. The native Douglas Fir grows up to a height of 40 metres with a diameter of up to one metre.

One of the reasons it is widely used in the construction and fencing sectors is its strength to weight ratio. Douglas Fir has the highest strength rating of any softwood and is the preferred species for timber framing.

Although its strength properties are similar to those of oak, Douglas Fir is 30 per cent lighter in weight and, as a structural timber, offers a cost effective alternative with the price for an equivalent section being approximately half that of green oak.

Much of the Douglas Fir used in the UK is generally sourced either from the UK or from mainland Europe.


A few facts about Douglas Fir

Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) is an evergreen conifer species in the pine family. It is native to North America although it was introduced to northern Europe more than 200 years ago.

The qualities that make Douglas Fir so popular in construction are: rapid growth and medium density but good strength. It also takes well to glueing and sawing. The more mature a tree, the greater its levels of durability.

Douglas Fir has a pinkish to dark red heartwood, with a yellow sapwood. The sapwood has a 5-10cm thickness. The texture is medium and the timber has a straight grain.

One downside for the Dougas Fir’s usefulness in construction is its tendency to split, making pre-boring necessary. 

Uses of Douglas Fir


Due to its strength, Douglas-fir is primarily used for building and construction. It is hard and resistant to abrasion, making it suitable for uses where wear is a factor, such as bridge parts, log homes and commercial buildings.

It is one of the finest timbers for heavy structural purposes, including roof trusses and glulam beams, (glued laminated timber, a type of structural engineered wood product comprising a number of layers of dimensioned lumber bonded together with durable, moisture-resistant structural adhesives).

Structurally, it is used in the form of lumber, timbers, pilings and plywood.

Douglas Fir is also used to produce a wide variety of products including general millwork, flooring, furniture, cabinets and veneer. This species has excellent strength properties and is well known for its workability. The wood dries rapidly with small dimensional movement and little tendency to check. It is relatively easy to work, with good machining qualities. 


Wood offers the way forward

At Dodd & Co, we have been using wood, particularly Douglas Fir, to construct a range of agricultural, equine and domestic buildings. More and more of our customers are coming to appreciate the many benefits of building with wood. Wood is a beautiful, natural building option that offers durability and versatility, making it well suited to a range of building applications and types. Using wood provides a renewable and a low-impact, green alternative to energy-intensive building materials such as concrete, aluminium and steel. It is the only construction material that stores carbon. Wood also offers cost advantages.

The work load may intensify but there is no compromise on quality


It’s been a busy summer for the team at Dodd & Co and it doesn’t get much less busy as the nights draw in and the weather gets colder. This is the time of year when we need to consider how we get onto the land to do fencing and construction work without either a) getting machinery stuck in mud or b) churning up the earth with our heavy equipment. Luckily we have a talented team of craftsmen who all adhere to our principle of top quality work and high levels of customer care.

As we reflect back on the past few months, one thing that really stands out is how varied our workload is becoming. Dodd & Co began life as a fencing company, with the occasional foray into agricultural building work. Now, through experience gained, as well as the growing skill set within the team, we are able to take on far larger and more ambitious projects.



In the past year, besides the regular fencing, agricultural buildings and clearance work, we have worked on an enormous range of projects. These include:

Some of our projects this year

An arena and additional stabling and storage space for an equestrian business. This included a mirrored wall so the riders could check their riding position and the horse’s gait.

A handling system and fencing for a large deer operation.

A porch, outbuilding and path for a period farmhouse.

Decking, verandah and outbuildings for a property overlooking the coast.

Kennels and exercise area for gun dogs.

Kennels, exercise area and specialised fencing for a Husky breeder.

Security fencing on an industrial site.

Security fencing for company growing specialist crops.


Working in partnership

We also regularly work with organisations such as The Norfolk Wildlife Trust and the PACT Animal Sanctuary to create safe environments for wildlife and rescued animals. And we work in partnership with companies such as King’s Lynn Construction when they need our specialist help in complex projects.

At Dodd & Co we pride ourselves on the high level of service we offer. From the beginning of the project through to its competition and aftercare, we constantly stay in contact to ensure that everything is exactly as you want. We do not compromise on the quality of workmanship or the quality of materials used.

Deer keeping - a fencing and handling pen guide

UK sales of venison have risen by more than 34 per cent over a 10 year period and by an extraordinary 400 per cent in the last 12 months. Despite this, deer production still doesn’t cover demand – so there is a market out there for venison producers. The demand is driven by changing consumer attitudes and buying habits - venison is seen as a ‘better for you’ alternative to beef and lamb.

At Dodd & Co, we have been doing a lot of work with some of the finest and well-respected deer stockmen and women in the country, from helping with deer round-ups to designing and constructing handling units and fencing systems. It is specialised work as the fencing needs to be very robust but also needs to avoid hurting these very wild animals if they make a bid for freedom.

There are two types of deer operation – deer parks or deer farms.

Deer parks are the more historical way of rearing deer. Some of the UK’s oldest deer parks go back 500 years, and were first introduced by the kings and queens of the day as a means of demonstrating their wealth. The demand for wild deer has led to the creation of a number of new deer parks. Deer raised within a park system are classified as wild and can only be shot by a free bullet, they cannot be handled or gathered.

On a deer farm, calves are handled and weaned and the deer are often housed over the winter. The big difference here is that the deer are often sent to an abattoir for slaughter. They may also be killed at any time of the year, whereas wild deer must be killed within their season.



Fencing will be the largest single capital cost, so it is important that it meets the demands of the job. The nets need to be high tensile so they can be strained tightly. They also use less posts and are less conspicuous. The strainer posts must be very well erected and stayed as the system is dependent upon these. The staples holding the net must not be banged home as the wire needs to move.

A standard fence specification would be as follows:

Single 1.9m deer net (Tornado Titan) with treated deer posts at 5-6m intervals and a 2.5mm plain wire on top.

Raceways should be 5.5 to 7.5m wide with no more than 4-5m intervals between posts and a strainer every 50m or so on longer sections for added strength. The net used should take account of the extra strength needed in raceways and should be narrow enough to prevent calves sticking their heads through.

The fencing layout of a new farm is important. We always spend a lot of time and effort talking to the farmer/breeder/deer specialist to make sure this is fit for purpose.

The Scottish Venison Association recommends paddocks that are limited to four to five acres. The objective is to be able to rotate the deer and to keep various age and sex classes separate. A minimum of five paddocks is needed to fulfil this. One or two small paddocks are useful for holding stags. Ideally, all paddocks will connect to the deer handling system by means of a raceway.


Raceways should cater for the size of the deer herd. The minimum width might be 4m but it could start wider to allow the herd to filter in. If the race needs to turn a corner, try to make the curve as smooth as possible so the deer can run unimpeded. Deer cannot always see fences so use a cloth or more timber as the race turns a corner or approaches the yard.

Handling systems

Ideally a yard will be designed with easy access for vehicles, an electrical and water supply, adjacent to sheds for winter housing.

The system should provide facilities for:

Separating calves from hinds

Splitting groups into smaller groups

Restraining stags to remove antlers

Allowing deer to be ear-tagged, wormed and treated for other diseases

Weighing the deer

Loading the deer onto trucks

Catching pen for deer, creosote 4”-5” 2.7m posts with tornado Titan deer netting, corners all boarded with 150 38 5.4m creosote rails, pen to link up with handling are inside the shed

Catching pen for deer, creosote 4”-5” 2.7m posts with tornado Titan deer netting, corners all boarded with 150 38 5.4m creosote rails, pen to link up with handling are inside the shed

If you are looking for advice on the design and construction of any aspect of a deer park or farm, please get in touch with Jamie Dodd on 07766 815830

Making your smallholding sustainable


While many of our clients are landowners with vast acreage, an equal (and equally important) number of clients have small areas of land where they might keep one or two animals, a few chickens and/or a vegetable plot. 

As Autumn sets in and plans start to turn towards next year, we thought it would be useful to look at some of the ways you can run a smallholding of just an acre or two most successfully and efficiently.

A classic smallholder does a little bit of many things but the aim is generally to grow or raise as much produce as possible. This can include raising cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and chickens; growing vegetables or tending to fruit bushes and trees. The resulting milk, meat, eggs, fruit and vegetables can contribute towards lowering household bills, although quite often the entire project is a labour of love!

Here are some ways you can make your operation that bit more sustainable.

Tending to grassland

If you have grassland and graze animals on it then give the grass plenty of love and attention. Get to know your grass and be prepared to invest in it to get maximum return. This might mean regular re-seeding to make sure your animals are getting plenty of healthy fresh growth and that the grass matches the grazing requirements.

It is also important to rest the grass and not over-graze it. You might consider dividing your grassland into several small paddocks so you can rotate the grazing. It allows grass to re-grow, giving stock the pleasure of new shoots, and it reduces boredom. The old saying ‘the grass is greener’ really does apply in this case.

Give your paddocks a regular rake over. It aerates the ground and removes detritus that could create bare patches. While avoiding artificial fertilisers may be at the heart of your operation, if you have endured particularly wet winters then it might help to put some minerals back in the soil.

Now is also the time to check that your fencing is up to scratch. repair rotten posts and rails, reinforce any wiring that has come loose and check that animals haven't weakened any points by using posts as a scratching pole. For any fencing requirements, you know who to call...



Pick up poo

If you have a small patch of grazing and many animals, then it is a good idea to pick up the poo regularly. Picking up faeces will keep the grass area clean and edible. By removing the animal waste, you are also reducing the concentration of worm eggs and larva. You can put the poo onto a compost heap – once it is well-rotted it can be scattered back onto the paddocks.

Make sure the vet is your best friend

No matter what size smallholding you run, a good relationship with your vet is essential. Just a small number of visits can mean that any profit from livestock sales can be wiped out. By tapping into the vet’s knowledge you can build up your own medical expertise and store cupboard. You can soon learn to administer simple first aid without the need for the vet to come calling.

A good medicine cabinet will contain things such as: anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, a thermometer, antiseptic sprays, iodine, gloves and lubricant. 

The most important thing is to get to know your stock well. Have a list of observations that you run through: are they all eating; have the water troughs gone down by the expected amount (ie is everyone drinking); are any animals showing uncharacteristic behaviour; are their eyes bright and coats glossy?

Plan and prepare

Whether it is crop rotation in the allotment, breeding programmes for the sheep or how to organise your storage space, having a general plan for managing your smallholding is essential. As the nights draw in, now is the time to think about the coming season and make sure your smallholding is working as efficiently as it possibly can. 

Deer handling made easier

We have recently been doing a lot of work with deer and deer farmers/breeders. Two of the challenges of working with deer is that firstly, they are so skittish and secondly, they can jump incredibly high barriers.

During a recent round up of Red Deer that we helped out with, we discovered just how high the most athletic of the animals could leap if they were cornered. Despite having posts and fencing set up at 8 feet and higher, one or two of the most determined deer still managed to escape. One of the benefits of helping out with other people's projects is that we are then able to observe and learn from their experiences. 

So for this project, we worked closely with the owner to ensure that the fencing leading into the catching pen was both high enough to prevent the most athletic of deer from escaping and also strong enough to hold a large herd of deer who are all straining at the walls of the pen to get out.

Having a strong holding area or catching pen is vital for deer because there is routine work that needs to be done, from health checks to treatment for illness and injury or de-horning. The problem for the handlers is that deer are essentially wild animals and take a long time to calm down after a round-up. Any weakness in the handling system will immediately be exploited and, if a deer escapes, it can take hours to re-capture it, if at all. It is also important to take the deer safety into consideration – the posts and wire needs to be as sooth as possible to prevent any tears to the deer skin. Any gaps that are too large can see a deer catching their antlers and this too can cause injury to the animals. 

The catching pen for the deer that we designed and built for our client used creosote 4”-5” 2.7m posts with tornado Titan deer netting. The corners were all boarded with 150 38 5.4m creosote rails, and we built a pen to link up with handling area inside the shed. We fixed strong gates to the pen which were durable but relatively light to handle.

The idea was to make one enclosed run with no chance for the deer to escape. As far as possible we also used boards to limit the visibility for the deer once inside the pen. That way, the temptation to make a jump for it is diminished. 

If you have an agricultural, equine or domestic construction project that you feel we could help with, get in contact with Jamie Dodd on 07766 815830.


Norfolk's fields of gold

Saffron Crocuses in all their beauty. Pic courtesy Norfolk Saffron

Saffron Crocuses in all their beauty. Pic courtesy Norfolk Saffron

Norfolk’s most exotic crop

If you are passing through the beautiful countryside surrounding Burnham Norton you could be forgiven for taking a second glance at one of the fields and wondering what the farmer is growing. Where you are normally faced with the deep green of sugar beet or the golden yellow of barley, instead there are rows of purple flowers, growing from a grass-like foliage. 

This is because you have arrived in Norfolk Saffron territory and the crop you are seeing is the saffron crocus, a delicate purple flower with reddish gold threads. It is these threads that are the source of the spice that is, literally, worth its weight in gold.

It is with this backdrop that Dodd&Co have completed their latest project – to fence off this high-value crop from the hordes of marauding rabbits and muntjac deer that roam the area. The animals can devastate the crop, so Norfolk Saffron – the award-winning producers of this versatile and luxurious spice – brought us in to put an end to the problem.

The area to be fenced incorporated a 300 metre fence line. This is not a particularly large area but the fencing needed to be of top quality, affording the highest level of security against these pesky invaders.


The other stipulation was longevity. These needed to be posts that would last for a number of years. For that reason, we used creosoted wooden fence posts that would withstand the elements. Burnham Norton is a coastal village, so the Saffron fields are assailed by sea breezes, salty atmospheres and the fierce north winds. The additional creosote covering will add a layer of extra protection.

The fencing also needed to be sturdy because deer are deceptively strong and determined. The straining fences stand three metres and are a hefty 7-8 inches wide. The intermediate posts are 2.4 metres and 3-4 inches wide. The main netting is a premium product, the Tornado Titan Knot (T15/155/15). 


In addition, to prevent the rabbits from burrowing under the fence line, Tornado Premium Rabbit Netting has been buried into the base of the fencing. This is 1,200mm high with an 18 gauge. It has been turned out 450mm and then pegged. The premium netting is recommended and used by Forestry Commission and the Highways Agency. Again, Norfolk Saffron is at pains to offer the crops the best protection, so investing in a product of this quality makes economic sense.

The rabbit netting is turned out to add further protection against burrowing rabbits

The rabbit netting is turned out to add further protection against burrowing rabbits

As an aside, rabbits are a scourge to the agricultural community generally. It is estimated that rabbits cause more than £100million a year through crop damage – for this reason, we always take extra care to make sure that the fencing offers complete security against the lagomorph population. The fencing is dug well into the ground to prevent the most determined rabbits form entering the crop growing area.

The fencing is pinned down

The fencing is pinned down

There are two metal gates giving access to the field and these have a concrete base, again to prevent the rabbits burrowing into the field. The gates were hand-crafted at the Dodd&Co workshop and have been made to specific standards.

Hand-crafted metal gates

Hand-crafted metal gates

This project has brought together two companies that share the same ethos. At both Norfolk Saffron and Dodd&Co, the owners have belief in the quality of their products and the need for sound investment in the business for the best return. 

A few facts about Norfolk Saffron:

Courtesy of Norfolk Saffron

Courtesy of Norfolk Saffron


Norfolk Saffron gained a Great Taste Award for Norfolk Saffron in 2012, and independent laboratory testing shows that every year the produce from Norfolk Saffron conforms to ISO 3632 category I, the top international grade for saffron quality. This makes Norfolk Saffron roughly equivalent to Spanish Coupé grade - the grade above Mancha. 

This is the International Standards Organisation standard for saffron quality, also followed by the British Standards Institute (BSI). There are many different clauses in ISO 3632, but three of the most important ones are laboratory measurement of the amounts of crocin (responsible for colour), picrocrocin (responsible for flavour) and safranal (responsible for aroma) in a sample of the saffron. The crocin measurement is known as the "colouring strength" of the saffron. The higher the levels of these three substances, the better quality and stronger the saffron.

Quality is graded category I, II, or III (there was also a lower grade, IV, but this is no longer used). Category I is the top grade. The system is widely used in the major saffron-producing counties of the world, though you won't find the category nor colouring strength displayed on low quality, cheap saffron. 

Saffron does not just look beautiful, it gives food a divine flavour too. Norfolk Saffron’s flavour is honeyed and floral, yet with a slight bitterness. Top quality saffron is so much more than just a yellow food colouring.

Norfolk Saffron is perfect for sweet and savoury dishes. Aside from simple saffron rice, there are several other classic saffron recipes e.g. Cornish Saffron Cake, Paella, Bouillabaisse and Risotto alla Milanese. There are many other delicious recipes, as well as a history of Saffron, in Norfolk Saffron's book, Saffron Book. Finally saffron can also be used as a dyestuff and as an artists' pigment.


A deck with a view

Aside from agricultural construction, at Dodd & Co we are increasingly finding ourselves commissioned to do work on residential properties. Our ethos of working to a well-thought out design, using sympathetic materials and completing jobs to the highest standard has led to many projects across the county.

One of our recent residential projects was to create a decking area around two sides of a one-level property on the outskirts of Cley-next-the-Sea. The property itself is on a fantastic site, on a point of high elevation, with views across the fields and down to the sea at Cley. Anyone who knows this area will appreciate that the view is absolutely stunning along this stretch of coastline, it is wild and hauntingly beautiful and, understandably the new owner of the property wanted to make the most of the views that can be enjoyed from his home..

When the owner spoke of wanting a ‘deck’ around the property, I am not sure even he envisaged just how this feature would enhance the already impressive view and setting.

The deck, which has been built on the south-eastern side of the house, is constructed using Millboard composite decking boards, fixed to a substantial timber frame and steel posts. The light shade of grey-brown sits perfectly next to the blue of the property and is in harmony with the landscape surrounding the house. 

April 2018: Half-way to completion. Balustrades and finishing touches still to be done

April 2018: Half-way to completion. Balustrades and finishing touches still to be done


To add a level of shelter from the wind that can whip across the higher land, we have added a very cool-looking glass and wire balustrade. To access the decking area, we built a set of wide, wooden steps. These have very clean lines and add another dimension to the build. A further ramped entry point onto the decking area is suitable for wheeled vehicles.

We also added a 3 metre x 5 metre garden shed, plus we reclassified and extended an existing shed, giving the owner far more storage space. The final touches included rendered walls and a lovely brick weave cobble floor around the perimeter of the house. 

Ramped entry point onto the decking

Ramped entry point onto the decking


The whole project was about minimalism and style and I think we all agree that the finished product is bang on the brief. 

Our careful project management ensured that the build was completed on time and to budget, despite the dreadful weather conditions that prevailed for most of the time we were working in Cley. 

Steps to the decking area

Steps to the decking area

If anyone has requests for similar work or would like to discuss agricultural/equine or residential projects, please contact Jamie Dodd on 07766 815830. 

Fencing for all occasions

Industrial unit in West Norfolk. Security is no 1 factor

Industrial unit in West Norfolk. Security is no 1 factor

Fencing and panelling for all purposes

The fencing you install around your property is the first thing people will see. It is important that the fence gives the message you want to send out. For example, if a fence is purely decorative, then you are looking to install something aesthetically pleasing but not necessarily high or barrier-like in nature.

On the other hand, if the main purpose of your fence is to keep animals in or intruders out, or to maintain privacy, then the height, strength and durability of your fence are the most important factors.

You need to think critically about what task your fence needs to perform and what budget you are working to. For example, if you have a large area, such as a farm, to fence, then using the most cost effective material is probably better than using the most aesthetically attractive materials.

Two projects: two different outcomes

Two projects we have recently completed demonstrate the range of fencing that can be used for security, with different materials suiting different purposes.

Industrial strength fencing

In our first task, the brief was to make an industrial unit secure. The client wanted durable, strong, intruder-proof fencing that would deter people from trying to break into the premises. 

For this project we used 2.4 metre high section palisade security fencing with top and bottom rails. The rails were fixed with anti-tamper fixings and the posts had three-notch spikes on top to further deter intruders. The posts were sunk into a concrete base. This entire project was about security and durability.

The Palisade fencing is manufactured from cold rolled steel and has a galvanised finish to to help protect from rust over time. 

Clean lines, high fences, triple spike deterrents. 

Clean lines, high fences, triple spike deterrents. 


While this was an industrial unit, this type of fencing is suitable for agricultural areas, railways, yards and any high security buildings.

A garden fence for all seasons

Our second project was a garden fence that needed to serve several different roles. It had to act as a demarcation for a property boundary; it needed to offer a level of privacy and security; it borders woodland so it needed to keep animals out, and it needed to look aesthetically pleasing.

Close board panel fencing makes a simple, effective and attractive garden boundary

Close board panel fencing makes a simple, effective and attractive garden boundary

Our client chose close board panel fencing (also known as featherboard). It is strong and versatile and also looks good. It is also cost effective because, if quality materials are used, the fence will enjoy a long lifetime.

The timber, vertical slats of a close board fence provide a simple backdrop to the garden, which means that as the garden is planted, the fence will make a natural border, allowing the plants and flowers to be the stars of the show.

The fence also offers wind resistance and is also ideal for any uneven landscaping such as rises in the ground or tricky corners.

Close board fencing is versatile and makes cornering a doddle

Close board fencing is versatile and makes cornering a doddle


We used 1.2metre high panels supported by three horizontal bars. The panels were fixed to concrete posts and the base was concrete to give added stability and durability. All the fixings are stainless steel throughout. 

These are just two of the many fencing options that we offer at Dodd & Co. We don’t believe one size fits all when it comes to fencing but rather, that every fencing solution should be unique to the task it is expected to perform.

Dodd & Co - our services explained

At Dodd & Co, we pride ourselves on the range and quality of our work. While we remain best known for the high quality fencing that we provide, we also design and build agricultural and equine  constructions – stables, tack rooms, cattle sheds – and a range of domestic buildings such as studios, garages, extensions and decking areas. Of late, we have also been commissioned to build high-end dog kennels.

Here is a little about each area of work.

Fencing and gates that both serve the purpose and look good.

Fencing and gates that both serve the purpose and look good.


We have a huge amount of experience when it comes to fencing. This is borne of our own agricultural and equine background but also from talking to and understanding the clients’ needs. There is no one-size-fits all and what might work to keep badgers out or horses in for one person might require a totally different solution for another client. 

Our recent fencing projects have included an industrial site, which called for robust secure metal fencing; a deer park, with the main requirement being height to stop the deer jumping the fences; and a garden project which called for clean lines and an aesthetic consideration. 

While much of our fencing work is for private owners, we also work with organisations such as the Norfolk Wildlife Trust to ensure the nature reserves provide a safe haven for wildlife.

We work on high-end domestic projects, such as this decking area in Cley.

We work on high-end domestic projects, such as this decking area in Cley.

Domestic construction

One of our most recent projects was a decking area for a home in the lovely village of Cley. The building had a great outlook on the hills overlooking the sea and marshes but had very little outside living space. Working with the owner, we designed and built the decking area, including some beautiful looking steps to the garden. 

We also built the porch shown in the pictures. The challenge here was to matcha  new construction to an old building. By using oak struts and a pantile roof, we were able to make the porch a real feature of the house, in keeping with its 19th century classical appearance.

A cattle shed in East Winch

A cattle shed in East Winch

Agricultural and equine construction

A horse arena, complete with tack room and food store was one of our latest equine projects. The entire brief was to clear the ground of rubble and undergrowth, build an arena with accompanying buildings and install a large mirror for training and teaching purposes. The owner wanted a flooring that would drain well and provide a soft but stable surface for the horses and ponies so we came up with a solution involving shredded carpet material.

Dog kennels built for comfort, safety and security

Dog kennels built for comfort, safety and security

Dog kennels

Working dogs need to have comfortable and well-maintained housing and we feel our latest projects are state-of-the-art. For the owner of a number of Siberian huskies we built a highly secure yard. The security level was important for two reasons: these are expensive dogs but they are also escape artists. For this reason the fencing was exceptionally high and we also made sure the fencing was dug deep into the ground to prevent burrowing.

The kennels shown in the picture were designed for working labradors. We paid particular attention to the temperature of the kennels, making sure the dogs could stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter months. The kennels are designed for ease of cleaning and are also highly secure to prevent dog-knapping.

This is just a snap-shot of our work. To discuss any agricultural, equine or domestic construction work give Jamie a call on 07766815830.

Plan and prepare for spring and summer grazing

As spring approaches, take time to walk your fence lines and check all is okay

As spring approaches, take time to walk your fence lines and check all is okay


It has been a long wet winter and your livestock pastures and fencing will have taken a hit. Between now and the end of March is the time to give your horse, pony, cattle and sheep grazing a bit of tender, loving care.

The first thing to do is walk all your fence lines. Check all the fence wires, posts and, if using electric fencing, your grounding system. Make sure wire is not rusted, frayed or broken. Check that posts have not split or rotted in the wet weather and make sure all tension wires are holding up well. 

The spring is a good time to make repairs as the ground will be soft so replacing posts is an easier task.

For any major repairs or if you have new pastures that need replacing, get in contact with Jamie Dodd on 07766815830.

At Dodd & Co we always work hard to make sure our pastures are in tip top condition. below are some of the measures you can take to ensure that your grass is lush and nutritious this spring, summer and early autumn.

Good pasture is the result of careful management

Good pasture is the result of careful management


Know your soil

Soil testing is important as it gives you a good idea of what fertilisation might be necessary. Getting the correct fertiliser, along with correct moisture levels, will optimise the growth and potential of grass. If you are working to reduce the amount of fertiliser you use, frost-seeding grass is a good idea. This involves broadcasting seeding grass on existing pasture when the ground is still frozen.

The cycle of thaw and freeze helps work the seed into the soil for germination. Allow six weeks to two months after germination before you start grazing it as this allows the roots to establish in the soil.

Manure management is another factor to consider. Uneven distribution of mature leads to uneven growth. To encourage more even grass growth, drag pastures as soon as the manure pats are not frozen. This helps break up the manure and it is absorbed back into the soil faster.

 Controlling weeds

Weeds always present a headache for owners of livestock. Rotational grazing is one answer. If possible, rotate your grazing areas so the pasture gets rest time. This will maximise forage growth and encourage desirable plants and plant parts.

The benefits seen from implementing a rotational grazing programme include more forage, more plant diversity, greater control of grazing heights, and opportunities to extend the grazing season.

When 'being in the dog house' is a good place to be!

One of the many dog kennels constructed by Dodd & Co

One of the many dog kennels constructed by Dodd & Co

Dog kennels are a must if you have a number of large, working dogs, such as gun dogs or sheepdogs. And security, safety and comfort are the three watch-words when it comes to kennel construction.

Each dog is valuable – both in financial terms as a working animal and as a friend of the family. Making sure that thieves are unable to take your dogs is a key consideration when you commission a kennel. It is also important the dogs are unable to escape from the kennels and they should feel warm and secure in their home in the winter but be able to keep cool and relaxed during the hot summer months.

A hard working dog deserves a top quality home

A hard working dog deserves a top quality home


Dodd & Co has extensive experience in constructing dog kennels – we are dog owners ourselves, with several working labradors – and we have made bespoke kennels for a wide range of clients. 

We are now moving our kennel construction portfolio up a notch with a new system that allows us to build the kennel in our own state-of-the-art workshop before transferring it to a client’s address. The beauty of the new system is that we have all the necessary equipment on site all the time and we cannot be halted or slowed by bad weather.

A recent project saw Dodd & Co commissioned to build a three-unit dog kennel for a client in West Norfolk. The dogs were working labradors and the kennels would be their permanent homes.

The dimensions

The entire unit measured 4.5 metres by 3.4 metres, with a run at the front and a bedding area at the rear of each kennel. 

The bedding area measured 1500mm x 900m x 1000 mm.

The bedding area was raised off the ground to avoid damp and cold and was insulated with 45mm insulating panels. A strip curtain separated the bedding area from the main run and rubber matting made the bedding area warm, further insulated and easy to clean. 

There was easy access into the bedding boxes, either through the pop hole or via a hinged lid on the top of the box.

The materials

The frame for the entire dog kennel unit was solid metal, with a reclaimed pantile roof. The exterior cladding was made from pressure treated shiplap, while the interior was lined using 6mm grey stokboard. There finishing touches included galvanised edging trim and a clever bolting solution that allowed the owner to let himself in and out of the kennels easily. There were also two internal dog gates linking the kennels. 

The result is a sturdy, good-looking building that suits the house and surroundings that are adjacent. The entire construct was carried out in Dodd & Co’s workshop, which mean that the process wasn’t interrupted by the inclement weather. 

The design of the kennels will allow for further units to be added easily and seamlessly.

For details of our dog kennel projects or any of our agricultural, equine or garden work, call Jamie on 07766 815830

Foiling the canine Houdini


The latest Dodd & Co project involved working with the Houdini members of the canine world.

Siberian huskies are beautiful dogs, with thick, sleek coats, blue or multicoloured eyes and striking facial masks. The Siberian Husky, as its name suggest, originates in the cold arctic areas of Siberia, but their handsome features and wolf-like grace have made them an attractive breed for people living all over the world.

The only problem for owners of this lovely dog, is that they are inveterate escape artists and will use all their considerable intelligence to mastermind escape plots that can involve going through, over or under even the strongest fence.



About the Siberian Husky

The Siberian Husky is believed to have originated among the Chukchi, a tribe of Siberian nomads. The breed's history is relatively unknown but DNA tests confirm that they are among the oldest of dog breeds. We do know that the Chukchi used the dogs as fast transportation and that they interacted with the Chukchi as a family dog. Huskies often slept with the children and provided warm comfortable beds for them. The Siberian Husky was imported to Alaska in 1908 and was used as sled dogs during the gold rush. 

For today’s dog owners, while the Siberian Husky may be a beautiful animal, it can also be fiercely independent and is highly intelligent, which makes keeping one a challenge for inexperienced husky owners. The Husky is also very powerful and athletic and is a confirmed Houdini breed – always looking for a route into the wider world. Fencing has to be both high enough to stop an escape over the top, while a sunken area of fencing is needed to prevent a ‘great escape’ type of manoeuvre. The Husky can be relied on to test every means of escape, whether it is slipping the lead, scaling a wall or digging its way out of a yard. 

The Siberian Huskies are medium sized dogs – they can weigh anything from 35 to 60 pounds and stand 1 foot 8 inches to 1 foot 11 inches at the shoulder.



The project

Creating a safe, fit-for-purpose area for one keeper of Siberian Huskies was the challenge set to Dodd & Co. 

The owner has 11 Siberian Huskies, which live in specialised dog housing and have the run of a yard. Dodd & Co’s task was to create an area that would allow the dogs space and freedom but stop them from either escaping or being ‘dog-napped’. 


To keep these beautiful, yet challenging dogs safe and secure, Dodd & Co put up a 2.4 metre Otter fence around the yard area. There was a turn-out at the top, to prevent the most determined dog from getting over the fence. A skirt was buried 50 centimetres below the surface and there was also an 18 gauge rabbit wire on the ground, adjacent to the fence, which stretched over 1.2 metres. This prevented the dogs from digging at the base of the fence.


The entrance to the yard also needed careful consideration, so the team used Deer Gates, with cranked brackets and concrete threshold. Again, this high level of gating is a nod to both the dogs’ escapist tendencies and the threat of thieves. 


Dog kennels and exercise yards are just two of many construction projects in which Dodd & Co specialise. For further details or to discuss your construction, agricultural, farming, equine or gardening needs, call Jamie Dodd on 07766815830. Visit the website gallery or articles page for further examples of Dodd & Co’s work.

Keeping wild animals out


While much of our fencing work here at Dodd & Co is all about keeping animals IN, we are also often asked for the best ways to keep animals out.

As any farmer or gardener will know, there are some animals who are a persistent bunch and will go to any lengths to get into your paddocks and pasture – they really do all think that the grass is greener on the other side.

So we have some good measures that are pretty successful when it comes to keeping animals such as deer, badgers and rabbits out of your cattle, horse or sheep paddocks, which we will talk about in a moment. However, if you are simply looking to protect a small vegetable patch or prized garden, there are some measures you can take to keep unwanted animals out.

Simple solutions

Fencing works best when an animal doesn’t know what is being protected. A hungry animal that knows food is available on the other side of a fence will work harder to get over/under/through the fence. A solid base to the fence will provide a visual block.

Putting electric fencing around your plot is an effective way to keep animals out. You want the animals to  know the fence is ‘live so smear honey or jam on the fence when you first erect it so the animals get shocked. they will be less likely to test it out again. Make sure there is no vegetation touching the fence as it will reduce its impact. 

To protect bigger areas or for a more lasting impact, we offer a range of solutions. 

Deer deterrents

Deer are probably the most challenging of the UK wild animals when it comes to keeping them out. Certainly they are becoming a more widespread problem as the UK deer population has grown exponentially in the past few years.

We use a high tensile steel wire from Tornado as it is tough and durable. Depending upon their species, deer will either try to jump a fence or push against it. To prevent these athletic creatures from jumping onto your land, we recommend a 1900mm net with an angled out-ward facing slant at the top – this will make them think twice about attempting to jump it. 

Badger fencing

Badgers are also a common problem around Norfolk and, unlike deer, they have two means of getting over fences – they are surprisingly agile climbers and they are very strong burrowers. 

To protect against badger intrusion, we dig a deep ditch to sink the badger netting 250cms below the surface with a further 1.6 metres of high tensile wire above the surface. We generally add a top barbed wire as an added deterrent. The wire is attached to durable wooden posts.

HT15/158/8 is ideal for use along highways or areas where badger movements need to be restricted; the closely spaced vertical stay wires help prevent badgers from pushing through the fence. It can also be installed on post and rail fencing or used as embankment netting.

Tornado HT Badger Fence is manufactured with high tensile wire which strains tighter than mild steel and so requires fewer intermediate posts, making it quicker to erect. It does not stretch with weathering so does not need to be retightened annually.

The problem of pesky rabbits

Rabbits are the biggest problem to landowners and gardeners. Left unchecked they can decimate a pasture, stripping it of grass and leaving deep holes that can cause a domestic animal to break a leg. We use Tornado rabbit netting, which has a 31mm mesh, which has been proven to be the most effective some for excluding rabbits. 

When installing rabbit netting, it is vital that we take into consideration rabbits’ amazing ability to burrow. We always recommend a 150mm turn out, with a further 900mm above the ground. This means a total 1050mm height mesh is needed to keep the rabbits out effectively. 

Rabbits have also been known to chew through lighter stands of wire, so we tend to use either the 1mm or 1.2mm diameter wire as it is more resilient.

Who let the dogs in?

We also make sure, if necessary, that our fencing is suitable for keeping out domestic pets such as dogs and cats. Sheep worrying by loose dogs is a rural problem that is on the rise, so incorporating a wire netting fence that keeps pets out is always a good idea as well.

With all fencing however, we take each project on an individual basis. Different landowners will have different challenges, so call Jamie Dodd to have a chat about your fencing requirements.

Make sure your cattle have a good home this winter

We are fully into winter now, with some cold winds, icy showers and dark nights upon us. For cattle and other livestock, it is time to start thinking about making them as warm and comfortable during these next few months as possible.

It is now you need to make sure your buildings – cow sheds and stables – are fit for their purpose, i.e. keeping the animals warm and dry.

If you have calves, then the primary concern is pneumonia. For the first time in their short lives, the calves will be coming into contact with bacteria and viruses that are prevalent in enclosed spaces. They might also be suffering the stress of weaning and being brought into housing from open pastures. The stress produces cortisol, which lowers the calves' immunity levels.

For this reason, special care must be taken when housing young calves, to an extent that is not so important for older animals.

Four factors will impact the suitability of your cattle shed.

Moisture management


Your buildings need a good in-let and out-let for air, so it can circulate freely. This will promote good lung health among your cattle. Natural ventilation uses heat generated by cattle inside a building to push stale upwards (hot air rises). This leaves a vacuum that draws in fresh cool air. This means your building should have an air outlet in the roof, and air inlets along the sides of the building.

One note of caution: the air inlets should be above the height at which the calves lie on their bedding, you don’t want your animals to be lying in a constant draft.


A warm, moist environment is the perfect place for germs to breed. Make sure that your cattle housing area has good drainage and the water feeders are functioning properly. Also, ensure the bedding is changed regularly and not allowed to get too wet. Repair any leaky downpipes and avoid using excess water to clean feeders as this raises the levels of moisture and humidity in the shed. 


Airflow is essential to good hygiene but the air flow needs to be uniform and not blowing into the shed where young calves are likely to be lying. A boarded surround with no gap at the bottom, up to the height of the cattle’s heads is perfect, with slatted, well-ventilated spaced boards higher up. if you have an open gate to your building, you could use straw windbreaks to stave off the draughts.


Housed in big airy sheds, young calves may simply not be able to keep warm enough. If it is a shed of young calves, they might not produce the heat necessary to push the stale air upwards and draw in the fresh air. Make sure your building is suitable for the needs of the animals who will be living there.

A project in West Norfolk

The images are of a simple cattle shed in West Norfolk. The roof is pitched, to allow the heat to rise, Yorkshire Boading ensures good ventilation and the surface is designed to prevent moisture build-up. The client wanted the cattle shed to be open access, so the front is gated but the client uses straw to act as a wind break when necessary. 



Porch takes farmhouse to new heights of elegance

At Dodd and Co we pride ourselves on always producing top quality work, whether it is clearing a yard of rubbish or designing and constructing a beautiful timbered building. It is so important for our credibility and the customer’s satisfaction that we pour the same level of care, attention and detail into each and every job.

Our latest project is a case in point. We were set the challenge of designing and constructing a front porch that would give a new level of grace and elegance to a 19th century, well-proportioned West Norfolk farmhouse. It was one of those jobs where we knew that we had to get the look and feel right because a ill-conceived porch would be like a bad haircut – it doesn’t matter how handsome or pretty the face is, if the haircut is a bad one, then that’s what catches the eye!

After detailed discussions with the owner, we decided on an oak porch, with a clay pantile roof – classic materials, in keeping with the local environment and style – that would add sophistication to the farmhouse.

We used four 6ft x 6ft oak struts that formed the basis of the construction. The struts were 150mm across, so this is a hefty, strong feature.  

Topping the structure off is a lovely looking clay pantile roof, while the structure is held in place with Brett Martin cast-iron effect guttering. 

The porch floor is very much farmhouse-style; large indian sandstone tiles, which are a muted neutral. A single layer of low level steps go from the base to the front door. 

The effect is one of practically and elegance. The farm house is a lovely brick building with symmetrical long windows and a stylish surround of estate fencing and brick and carrstone wall. The porch is the icing on the cake and its beauty lies in the fact that it looks as if it has been part of the building for years.