Agricultural & estate fencing
High tensile stock fencing
For our stock netting we use high-tensile stock netting, this is a popular choice among livestock owners as it has a higher capacity for taking the strain. It is stretched much tighter than mild steel fences and so can withstand several tonnes of bovine flesh leaning against it. It will then ping back into its original shape immediately.
Traditional metal estate fencing
Estate fencing can turn a beautiful parkland or driveway into something spectacular. The metal fencing is simple in design, but the clear lines and uncluttered nature of the fencing really lends itself to forming a frame for the countryside in which it is used. Gravel driveways sweeping up to country manor houses; rough parkland separated from manicured lawns; orchards or individual trees bound by metal fences to keep the grazing sheep and deer away; there really is nothing more quintessentially symbolic of the Norfolk countryside. We offer a range of metal fencing - bare metal, hot dip galvanised, powder-coated or galvanised and powder-coated – but they all follow the same pattern of installation. Start posts are placed at the beginning of each run, then a middle post every metre and a support post or a support socket every five or six metres for extra rigidity.
Barbed wire fencing
Barbed wire fencing is both cheap and effective. It is used mainly to keep stock such as cattle and sheep in, and to deter trespasses. Barbed wire is made from galvanised steel, meaning it is very durable. We use it with posts and straining posts, used at corners and end points to keep the wire taut. The wire is high-tensile, which means as stock lean on the wire, it will spring immediately back into its former taut state as the animal moves off the fence. This is important for safety of the stock as sagging wire can cause injury to stock. Our most popular usage of barbed wire is as a top wire for stock fencing.
Rabbit fencing
Rabbit fencing is used to protect gardens, crops, plants and vegetation. We bury the fencing into a trench before backfilling to deter burrowing rabbits. We use premium grade, 18 gauge netting to ensure the best protection against rabbits. We are also introducing metal fencing, initially as a cost-effective form of rabbit fencing.
Deer/badger & otter fencing
Our fencing is not just in place to keep stock in, it is also a means of keeping animals out. We have specialist fencing systems to deal with different animals. Deer fencing stands at 1.8 meters high as that is the recommended height to keep the largest deer in the UK – the Red Deer – off your pasture. The fence, which is a system of highway spec 30 year wooden posts with wire netting, also has an out-hanging lip to prevent the deer from scrambling over. The wire is high-tensile, ensuring that it stays taut to prevent injury or entanglement.
Badger fencing is incredibly important for cattle owners due to the perceived link between badgers and TB infection. Our badger fencing is Tornado badger fencing, which is high-tensile and does not stretch with weathering.
Otter fencing from Tornado is recognised as some of the best fencing on the market. It is 2.4 metres high with a hinge at 500mm. This means you can either bury the lower section 500mm deep to prevent the otters digging under the fence, or you can turn it the other way up and lay the 500mm hinge on the ground outside the fence so you don't have to dig it in. Either way, from ground to base of angled overhang, you get 1.4 metres of height and 1.75 metres to the top of the overhang. Good for deterring animals and poachers.
Range of wooden & metal gates